As the boy scouts say " Be prepared"

Well, the weather has definitely taken a turn from the beautiful warm fall days last week. Someone once commented to me that he just couldn't understand the weather here. It had been raining in the morning, beautiful, warm and sunny in the afternoon, then started to snow. As he looked at me for an explaination, I just replied "Welcome to Ohio". Yes, this storm is going to be a big one, but we all know that winter is coming and seems to be gearing to make up for the winter we didn't have last year. Make a check list of things to keep on hand. We have a Wise Emergency Food Supply buckets including the 72 meal prepper pack as seen on Doomsday Prepper National Geogrpahic. Though you don't have to be a prepper, in Ohio it is wise to have extra on hand. We also carry the Berkey purifiers, oil lamps and still have generators in stock. So make sure to have the extra snuggley blankets close by and don't forget the extra bag of pet food!

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