Is it really Spring?

Okay, so I think spring is officially here now even though with the crazy weather it has seemed like that since February (not that I'm complaining). The vidalia, candy, walla walla & big daddy onion plants are in as well as the sweet potatoes and other garden goodies. We have the cute sloggers to trudge through the garden in (a girl has to be styling with cool boots at all times.) There is also the kids wheelbarrel and garden tools so they can learn to help out at a young age (that way they can do it themselves when they get older). The way I like to plant my potatoes is just throw them on the ground and put straw on top. By doing this, I can pick the little young potatoes to eat with butter and onions then put the straw back down. The rest of the plant is undisturbed and will continue to grow so I can harvest the big potatoes in the fall. This way you can be eating fresh garden potatoes from about June on through to November. The sweet potato plants make a beautiful hedge when grown on a trellis or fence and many people grow them for their pretty flowers and leaves not to mention the yummy goodies they harvest in the fall.

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